zum ___stART!___ brigitta krause cloisonnage __freischaffende künstlerin__ eckernförde
Life's Journey
-a very personal story about feet and movement
english vita
english vita
Born at the banks of "Zürichsee"
(a lake in Switzerland) in 1952 I wasn't yet able
to walk. I was carried around, then pushed.
Quite often I hit the ground till I finally learned to
stand on my own feet. To conquer the mountains
first of all I got a pair of long narrow strips of wood,
then two wheels, later even 4 followed by a Porsche
brigitta krause vita english
stationen des LebensLAUFes _____________brigitta krause __freischaffende künstlerin__ auf der FLaRaK beim bemalen einer splitterschutzbox _____ barfuss am strand, beim sammeln neuer ideen ___KLicK hier läuft das LEBEN weiter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In 1972
I stumbled into
the arms of PeKa,
my today's life partner

......... since then a new life's "RUN".
With him I ran through many museums and twice
around half of the globe.

for ART


In 1980
on the internet- things always on the move
......What if there's
no move at all?

......On the Internet
things are always
on the move of that
I can be sure.

we founded the
"Künstler-Werkstatt Eckernförde".
I am glad to manage staying on my own feet as an
independent visual artist, able to "run".

When people today ask:
"Is the art biz running smoothly?"
I just look down at my feet
well aware of my running after sponsoring.
Nowadays I often run on the beach without shoes.
That's where I simply have to pick up ideas.
since 1984 art in public space
Since 1984 art in plublic space.
© krause:-)B o2/o6
Oh, yeah!
born at Zuerich
First computer graphics exhibition in 1999.
Since 2000 active online as krause:-)B.
2005 Performative installation "hang your self" at kikh Kiel.
Since 2006 with the Webists. ...
translation by ingrid kamerbeek