
For better comprehension
The world we live in seems to fall to pieces, people, things just
pursue on ther ways, following ther own intentions, separating
from each other.
So our scientific century in ist endeavour to dissemble and analyse
everything has found ist monumental expression in the fission
of the atom and the forces set free by it.
The conquest of outer space has become more important to us than
the conservation of our great mother earth; same as the emphasis
on individual interests is perhaps more important to us than the
cultivation of the community.
Thus it is not by accident that Brigitta, half of the Artist Community
of Eckernförde defines the nuklear fission as the event of the
century witch occupies her most of all.
Together with PeKa in Eckernförde she works on objects witch they
call Cloisonnage, two-dimensional images made of single uniquely
formed pieces. Composed of single pieces because both artists
love the singular, the unique, that is how they feel and that
is the object of their affection.
But as singular the pieces may be their painting accentuates it
in a very expressive way the pictures combinations are outstanding,
too. The pieces interlock and endwine, one has the opportunity
to enjoy the skillful components and the perfect aggregate form
of the whole. But with all the emphasis and elaboration of the
detailed form the various connections and interdependances of
the different parts are not forgotten. For a real whole is more
than the sum of its components.
In the beginning of the development of the Cloisonnage the artists
let their public experiences the easiness of taking apart and
the difficulty of joining together the complicated components,
which additionally were painted from both sides. The newer and
bigger works? compontents are firmly glued on; the author and
friend understands but regrets this nevertheless.
Contemplation is the only remainder of the difficult joining and
if it were merely this it would be just contemporary and we could
turn toward our own difficult business without hesitation. But
here there is somthing greater, somthing not to be explored by
the mere spectator.
We have heard of great art and of the titans who created it, but
too often these were individuals who disguised their disturbed
relationship towards the community with too much dexterity; not
only Michelangelo deplored this kind of wretched living.
But here we have two extremely different artists who have following
their inmost souls created somthing in common, a collective artist?s
personality, the Artist Community of Eckernförde.
So, looking at the Cloisonnage of Brigitta and PeKa or at the
illustrations in their booklet, we should remember that they are
the artistical expression of the community of two so verry different
people and this should not leave us indifferent.
text: joseph gerats -sculptor ----- ©1985 ----- translation: inge